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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Auto Update and Yahoo WebHosting

Auto Update and Yahoo WebHosting? (10 posts)

  1. Sainath
    Posted 8 years ago #

    Greetings All!
    I'm new to WordPress and working on getting my first blog set up.
    I'm using Yahoo Small Business web hosting which offers WordPress as an add on. A feature that comes along with this is auto updating of WP.
    So I go to activate WP and all goes well. I go to my 'blog manager' within Yahoo CP and notice that the WP version I have is 2.0.2. As I understand it, the latest version, 2.0.4, was released 2-3 weeks ago? Since I just activated WP today, I was under the impression that I would have the latest version installed. So how does this auto update work? Is there a certain time schedule it works on or is there something that I have to do?
    I must admit, part of the appeal since I'm very new working with web hosting is auto updating. Nontheless, I tried upgrading myself by downloading the zip and following the upgrade instructions, but didn't have any luck at all. In fact, during this process, I had to deactivate and then reactivate WordPress twice.
    Anyway, I'd appreciate any info/help any of you could provide.
    Oh, one other thing, after activating, I didn't receive any sort of confirmation email from WP. Is this as it should be or should I have received an email?
    Thanks in advance for any help!
  2. Sainath
    Posted 8 years ago #

    Can anyone be of assistance?
  3. yosemite
    Posted 8 years ago #

    Both of those are questions for Yahoo;
    1) WP doesn't have an 'auto-upgrade' feature, don't know what/how they're doing that.
    2) WP uses php mail() which then drops the email to sendmail (if php was compiled correctly on the server). Your host controls the modules/filters/config.
  4. Sainath
    Posted 8 years ago #

    Hi Yosemite,
    Thanks, I'll contact Yahoo then in regards to this. The reason I thought WP provided auto update is b/c of something I read here....
    On the hosting page here on this website, under Yahoo webhost, the very first line states this (this is why I initally thought WP would do this):
    However, as I've read further in Yahoo's own help documentation it states
    "We recommend that you update WordPress whenever a new version becomes available so that you can take advantage of improvements and useful new features. After we have reviewed the stability of a new release, we'll make the update available in your Web Hosting Control Panel."
    So you're right, this is something that I need to sort out with Yahoo.
    As far as php mail. Well, this is something I'll have to learn more about. I've sent test comments to myself while logged off and I get email notifications of comments. However, I never rec'd a confirmation email that I had registered with WP. Again, I don't know if I was supposed to receive an email confirming registration or not. And if I was, then I don't know why I didn't get it. Anyway, something to sort out.
    Thanks for your time in providing a reply, I appreciate it.
  5. yosemite
    Posted 8 years ago #

    I've sent test comments to myself while logged off and I get email notifications of comments.
    Sounds like a confirmation php mail() is working.
    Don't know about not receiving a confirmation... Perhaps another yahoo/wp user can chime in with their experience?
  6. Sainath
    Posted 8 years ago #

    Well, I just thought I'd post an update after contacting Yahoo about upgrading from 2.0.2 (which they offer) to the latest 2.0.4. Here's the following email and let me say, this just blows! I mean, all this promise about auto updates and what not, and now they say they have no intentions of doing so. From what I had read, 2.0.4 includes a number security fixes, yet Yahoo doesn't deem this as necessary to upgrade. Since WP has 'partnered' up with Yahoo, is there anything someone from WP can do? Here's the email I rec'd from Yahoo Support:
    Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Web Hosting and giving me the
    opportunity to assist you.
    I understand that you want to know when the WordPress update will be
    available through Yahoo! Web Hosting.
    At this time Yahoo! Web Hosting has no plans to upgrade to newer
    versions of our server software. Based on current user needs, we have
    found that the software that is available meets the needs of a majority
    of our users. Yahoo! Web Hosting continually evaluates the needs of
    users as well as security alerts and technology trends to determine
    a software upgrade is required.
    We thank you for your inquiry regarding upgrades to Yahoo! Web Hosting.
    We will forward your inquiry to our Web Hosting Suggestions department
    for further consideration.
    Please let me know if you need any further assistance. I am always here
    for you.
    I hope that my explanations are to your satisfaction. Have a great day!
    Please do not hesitate to reply if you need further assistance.
    Yahoo! Customer Care
  7. Fazzinchi
    Posted 8 years ago #

    Sainath, I've just come up against the exact same problem. Have you had any further luck with it, or been able to upgrade manually?
  8. nomad1
    Posted 8 years ago #

    I've tried to update manually but it didn't work (blank page), so I had to re-install 2.0.2 from the control panel
  9. Chris_K
    Posted 8 years ago #

    It can be done. Spencerp and I wrestled with one last night and he got it sorted out. I believe the trick was disabling their flavor of wp-cache first, but Spence will have to confirm that.
  10. spencerp
    Posted 8 years ago #

    Yup, I went into the Blog's CP, disabled the wp-cache plugin, went into the FTP directory... removed ALL wp-cache files, folders..everything in the cache/ folder made in the wp-content/cache directory too.
    Also, download a copy of the wp-config.php file to your computer.. remove this line from the wp-config.php file:
    define('WP_CACHE', true); //Added by WP-Cache Manager
    Reupload it to your FTP directory, over the existing one.
    Example of what was done here, as well.
    She was running 2.0.2 to start with, view her page source now. Says <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 2.0.4" />
    Also, not sure if you know that or not, but..I just used this to access the FTP:
    FTP URL:
    Made access, deleted 2.0.2 crap files, uploaded 2.0.4 files then. Ran upgrade.php file.. all was peachy! Wish ya luck, if ya need help with it.. drop a line here.. I'll handle it for ya! =)
    P.S. Also, not sure, but..inside the YAHOO CP, there's a spot to choose, for them to auto update, or YOU manually update the blog, I chose for manually doing it.. Who needs Yahoo to do that stuff lol! ;)
    P.S.S. Yes, I know.. I'm just awesome like that...

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