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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Laser Hair Removal

When body hair is excessive, darker or coarser than you would prefer, or appears in places that make you feel uncomfortable, it's time to reconsider your hair removal options. Older remedies for unwanted hair include plucking, shaving, waxing, electrolysis or chemical depilatories. Some of these are downright painful, others are extremely messy, and all offer only temporary solutions to your frustration.
A Very Popular Choice – More Effective & Long Lasting
Laser hair removal is considered a far more effective solution for unwanted hair with long lasting results, and has gained in popularity since first introduced in the late 1990s. In fact, the American Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons estimates that in 2008 over 1.3 million laser hair removal procedures were performed in the United States alone – making laser hair removal the #1 aesthetic laser procedure and second only to Botox.
LightSheer© Duet Painless Rapid Hair Removal

Among laser and light-based devices, LightSheer Diode Laser Systems are clinically proven and highly regarded for providing safety, superior results and patient satisfaction.
While a very popular solution for unwanted hair, laser hair removal has been limited by the need for busy patients to invest significant time and accept some discomfort to achieve desired results.
Now there is a much better solution – High Speed LightSheer® Duet™ offers you exciting treatment speed and amazing comfort combined with the safety and results you desire and deserve.
The NEW High Speed LightSheer with its dramatically increased spot size of 22mm x 35mm combined with innovative vacuum-assist technology offers you an exciting treatment option for hair removal. This is great news for both men and women, since backs and legs can now be treated comfortably in about 15-20 minutes, with no need for topical anesthetics or messy treatment gel.

The High Speed LightSheer produces a larger beam of highly concentrated light. The light emitted is well absorbed by the pigment located in the hair follicles (melanin). During the hair removal procedure, the laser pulses for a fraction of a second, allowing the hair to absorb the light and heat up. As the hair follicle heats up, the hair shaft and bulb are damaged. This significantly reduces the hair's ability to re-grow, and results in permanent hair reduction over time.
• Dramatically increased treatment spot size for faster coverage
• Vacuum-assist technology significantly improves treatment comfort
• No topical anesthetic is required, which eliminates lengthy preparation
• No treatment gel is used either, saving additional time and money
• High Speed LightSheer reduces treatment times up to 75%
Will It Work For You?
Clinically Proven Since 1998, LightSheer diode lasers are widely recognized as the 'gold standard' for hair removal and permanent hair reduction across the broadest patient population – clinically proven to be safe and effective since first introduced in the late 1990s, and perfected over time.

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